Negras y mulatas de Gausachs

Negras y mulatas de Gausachs
Negras y mulatas de Gausachs

Aunque en nuestra plástica la presencia del negro y la mulata contaba con precedentes elocuentes (desnudos con modelos mulatas del mujerón finamente irreverente y liberal que fue Celeste Woss y Gil; obras del maestro trashumante Jaime Colson como Merengue, de 1936, en la cual la figura del negro tocando la tumbadora se halla integrada en el elenco de músicos del conjunto típico de este género vernáculo, mientras mulatos y mulatas estilizados de piel aceitunada se mezclan entre los bailadores danzando bajo la enramada), es con la llegada en 1939 de los refugiados republicanos españoles que el tema cobra relieve. Se podría afirmar que de fuera vinieron para “descubrirnos” estos nuevos cruzados revolucionarios expulsados de la Europa convulsa. Para beber sedientos en el brebaje de colores, alimentarse en la sazón de etnias que cuajaron en el rico macerado criollo. Como diría uno de los personajes de Jacques Roumain en Gobernadores del rocío: “He atravesado muchas veces la frontera: esos dominicanos son gentes como nosotros, salvo que tienen un color más rojo que los negros de Haití, y sus mujeres son mulatas con largas melenas”.

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Escape the cold with Dominican art exhibition at Art Museum of the Americas

Abitter January is the ideal time to visit “Modern and Contemporary Art in the Dominican Republic: Works From the Customs Office Collection” at the Art Museum of the Americas. Not because the exhibition is full of views of carefree tropical life — there are only a few of those, and none in the naive style associated with the republic’s neighbor, Haiti, whose art is better known, or better marketed, in the United States.

What gives these 30 paintings and mixed-media pictures a pleasing warmth are their exuberant gestures, luxuriant detail and bold if not necessarily sunny colors. Some of the art’s appeal reflects that dynamic Caribbean mix of Iberian, African and West Indian heritages. A handful of the later works — the most recent are from 2007 — echo North American styles. But a surprisingly large number reveal the influence of early 20th-century Spain.

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“Modernidad y Contemporaneidad en el arte Dominicano” aterriza en el Instituto Cervantes en Madrid

Jose Gausachs
Las obras forman parte de la Colleccion de la Direccion General de Aduanas

Santo Domingo.-Un total de 45 obras representativas del arte dominicano integran la exposición “Modernidad y Contemporaneidad en el Arte Dominicano: Obras de la Colección  de  la Dirección General de Aduanas”la cual será inaugurada el próximo 21 de octubre en el  Instituto Cervantes, en Madrid, España.

La muestra, que cuenta con una selección de obras procedentes de la Colección de la Dirección General de Aduanas ha sido comisariada por la señora María del Carmen Ossaye.

Al referirse a la muestra, Ossaye explica que esta exposición cruza un atlántico visceral sujetada a los lazos multiculturales internacionales en su deseo de mostrar la modernidad, la contemporaneidad, del arte dominicano, sostenida en una de la colecciones de más prestigio del país, la colección de la Dirección General de Aduanas de nuestra ciudad primada de América.

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Sinergias Barcelona – SANTO DOMINGO

Jose Gausachs Art
Sinergias Barcelona – SANTO DOMINGO

Cada exposición en el Museo Bellapart es un acontecimiento de carácter único. No hay otra institución en el país que pueda presentar obras de distintos artistas, en importantes muestras, individuales o colectivas, perteneciendo exclusivamente a sus fondos y colección. Luego, el evento incluye sucesivas actividades de animación, a la vez de alto nivel y abiertas al público, sin olvidar a los niños.

Folletos y catálogos, ejemplares en contenido y diseño están disponibles desde la inauguración.

Otras cualidades se suman, proponiendo la excelencia de un conjunto cuidadosamente curado, y un montaje, claro y explícito, que destaca el dominio museográfico. A Juan José Bellapart, coleccionista y mecenas, y a Myrna Guerrero, directora y polifacética experta, debemos estos logros que se repiten en cada exposición, ¡y que los numerosos fieles aguardan!

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Barcelona y RD, unidos por el arte

La Embajada de España en Santo Domingo presenta en el Museo Bellapart la exposición Sinergias Barcelona-Santo Domingo, con la participación de los maestros Gausachs, Hernández Ortega, y Ledesma, evento “Que pretende desentrañar algunas de las múltiples interconexiones que surgieron de la relación maestro- discípulos, a través de una selección de obras emblemáticas de José Gausachs, Hernández Ortega y Ledesma, seleccionada de los fondos del Museo Bellapart”, como lo indica su directora, Myrna Guerrero Villalona.

La celebración de la Semana de España en República Dominicana convoca en esta exposición evaluar los inicios de la academia en el país, y lleva a apreciar un conjunto de dibujos y óleos, las particularidades de esos geniales artistas y su versión ligado al admirar sus obras.

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Indotel anuncia exposición de pintura de José Gausachs

SANTO DOMINGO.- El Centro Cultural de las Telecomunicaciones del  INDOTEL anunció la apertura de la exposición “El caballero de Montparnasse: Origen de la Pintura Dominicana Contemporánea”, del artista José Gausachs, la cual estará abierta al público durante todo un mes.

El director del Centro Cultural, Licenciado Noé Zayas, afirmó que es un honor para la institución que dirige servir de plataforma para exponer las obras de Jose Gausachs Armengol.

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José Gausachs, un pintor catalán y la lógica de una reacción absurda

Juan José Mesa
Juan José Mesa

José Gausachs, fue un artista español, discípulo de grandes maestros como Isidre Nonell y Félix Mestres Borrel. Recibió influencia de los impresionistas Monnet, Cezanne, Renoir, Gauguin y Van Gogh. Compañero y gran amigo de muchos artistas de la vanguardia como Picasso, Modigliani, Marquet, Gargallo, Utrillo, Juan Gris, DeChirico, Fujita, Bracque y Marc Chagall, quienes le llamaban “El caballero de Montparnasse”.

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Academy Baixas
Academy of the Art of Beauty from the Lotjía,
In the school of Sarriá, in what is now known as left his finger print of a great artist ¨Torres García”.según Rafael Benet.


Paris at this moment was at the height of cubism and fauvism.
it happens then that it moves from impressionism to Cubism, to Dadaism, to Surrealism… this last one mainly attracted him to practice the Dactilism.
From the Expressionism and the Neoexpressionism it took perhaps, some of the most characteristic of its style


Glorious group of the Barcelonian Llotja:
The group of the evolutionists surgio between the years 1918 – 1922 (sculptors Rebull, Viladomat, Fenosa, Granyer and the paitners Joan Serra, and Alfred Sisqella).
Group of the four: Dominican Republic



  • Modigliani: (One of whose work became an authentic connoisseur with time)
  • Picasso:
  • Gargallo:
  • Utrillo:
  • Juan Gris:
  • Chirico. Fujita:
  • Marquet: Albert Marquet, who in front of one of his paintings said “¡Este cuadro lo hubiese querido pintar yo!”
  • Bracque:
  • Marc Chagall:
  • Tristán Tzara: he expressed growth to the quality of the man and the artist and giving to him one box of paintings, that is still conserved, like a valuable relic, to the relatives of the Catalan painter.


  • Rafael Benet:
  • A. Junyent:
  • Pernaud: Critic of the art “L’ Intransigeant”,affirmed then that Josep Gausachs painted “con los colores de la bandera francesa”
  • Charensol: From “Les Nouvelles Literaires”, did not remain considering back to the artist like one of the finest representatives of the painting school
  • Christian Zervos:
  • Waldemar George:
  • Juan Antonio Gaya: the historian of the art Juan Antonio Gaya Ñuño did not doubt in considering it like one of the most representative examples of the Catalan painting school during the first half of century XX.
  • Manuel Trens: de que Gausachs no había dejado de ser, en su tierra, “un gran desconocido”. Opinión ésta que expresó en el catálogo de una retrospectiva que a título póstumo le dedicó en 1964 la galería de arte Syra, de Barcelona.
  • F. V. Foix: Ráfols. Benet. F. V. Foix hablaron entonces de “neofauvismo” en la pintura de Gausachs. o de una “superación del fauvismo enriquecida, además, por una visión personal”, Foix. O “Focius”, se convierte entonces en el más airado defensor de la obra de Gausachs.
  • A. Plana: de “La Vanguardia En 1934 y 1935 Guasachs expuso paisajes de Ibiza y Mallorca, donde estuvo pintando y trabajando el arte del vitral, y. respectivamente, de Collicabra. La fuerte luminosidad del paisaje mediterráneo, que sin gradaciones ni matices, como afirmó un crítico (A. Plana, de “La Vanguardia


Como maestro, Gausachs “enseñó a ver” a artistas de la talla de Gilberto Hernández Ortega y Clara Ledesma, e incluso a la más joven Ada Balcácer y les hizo conscientes del mundo fascinante, lleno de magia y misticismo de la negritud antillana. Esa idea esencial del arte dominicano, esa poseía secreta que se respira en el Hernández Ortega primero y único y que trasciende de igual modo en la obra de Iván Tovar, Gausachs logro influir incluso sobre Wifredo Lam. Esto es, en suma, un aporte fundamental que hace Gausachs a la plástica dominicana


  • Gausachs expuso reiteradamente en París, en las galerías de Van Ogen. Pierre y Vidrach, y en Bruselas y Ámsterdam marchands de tableaux
  • galería de arte Syra retrospectiva que a título póstumo le dedicó en 1964 la galería de arte Syra, de Barcelona.
  • Galerías Layetanas últimos meses de 1931 Gausachs presentó en Galerías Layetanas una colección de dibujos a la aguada, algunos coloreados, de paisajes del Valle de Echo, en el Pirineo aragonés, que el diario “La Publicitat” del once de diciembre caracteriza como “glosas subjetivas de una visión fugitiva matizada por un expresionismo atemperado por un dejo sentimental”.
  • Sala Pares En febrero de 1932 expuso nuevamente, ahora pinturas, y en la Sala Pares Sala Pares se convierte entonces en el pretexto para la celebración de un homenaje al artista en el “Lyon d’Or”, al que asistieron, entre otros, los críticos Sebastián Gasch. Foix y Benet. los artistas Grau Sala. Fenosa Obiols. Además de J. A. Maragall y el poeta Carles Ribas, quien dedicó un poema al homenajeado.
  • Salón de Montjui’c 1932 Gausachs se hizo presente aquel año en el mundo artístico barcelonés por su participación en el “Salón de Montjui’c”. donde la prensa lo nombra entre los “maestros” como Carles. Labarta. Domingo y Pidelaserra.
  • Sala Bigas 1935 expone Gausachs en la Sala Bigas y en Vic. No deja por entonces de incursionar en el arte del retrato
  • 1944 participó en una exposición que organizó la Comisión de Refugiados Españoles para la Conmemoración del Centenario de la República Dominicana, y que presidía el eminente penalista Constancio Bernaldo de Quirós.





Birth, Sarria Barcelona.


Trephination suffered.

Trephination suffered at eleven years or age which produced almost total paralysis to half of his face. School of Sarria. Studies at the Academy Baixas. Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts Lotjía


Paris, Montparnasse.

The artist moved to Paris at the time of the rise of Cubism and Fauvism. While residing in Montparnasse, he repeatedly exhibited his work at the Van Ogen Galleries in Paris He exhibited in Pierre and Vidrach, ant in Brussels and Amsterdam Marchand de tableaux.

June 28, 1914

First World War.

First World War. Between 1914 and 1918.


End First World War.

President Woodrow Wilson made his famous “Fourteen Points,” which defined the foundations of peace, indicating solutions to the problems caused by the war.

1919-1923 – Dec.

Returns to Barcelona.

Returns to Barcelona and his first child Jorge was born.


Teaching at the Academy of Fine Arts

Teaching at the Academy of Fine Arts, the technique of embossed leather for sixteen years.

1931-1911 Dec.

Galerias Layetanas.

Gausachs presented a collection of drawings painted in gouache at Galerias Layetanas, “La Publicitat”


Sala Pares.

Gausachs exhibited again, this time oil paintings, in the main rooms of Sala Pares. Art critics; such as, Rafols. Benet. FV Foix, spoke of “Neofauvism” in the painting of Gausachs. or an “improvement of Fauvism enriched by his own personal vision”, Foix. Or better known as “Focius” becomes an vigorous defender’s of Gausachs work. The exhibition room of Sala Pares then becomes a pretext for holding a tribute to the artist in the “Lyon d’Or”, which was attended, by important critics Sebastián Gasch, Foix and Benet among others. The artist Grau Sala, Fenosa Obiols, Besides J. A. Maragall and the poet Caries Ribas, who dedicated a poem to honor the artist Jose Gausachs.


Hall of Montjui’c

Gausachs had a prominent presence in the Barcelona’s art world that year for his part in the “Hall of Montjui’c”. where the press named Gausachs among “masters” such as Caries, Mercado Labarta, Domingo and Pidelaserra.


La Bleda

La Bleda, presented by the artist in the Hall of Montjui’c of that year, was immediately purchased by the Museum of Modern Art of Catalonia.

1934 and 1935

Ibiza and Mallorca

Gausachs exposed landscapes of Ibiza and Mallorca, where he lived, painted and worked with stained glass art, as stated by art critic (A. Plana, “La Vanguardia.)


Bigas and in Vic Hall.

Gausachs exhibits in the halls of Bigas and in Vic Hall. venturing into the art of portraiture.


Outbreak of the Civil War.

Outbreak of the Civil War – French concentration camps, especially in Narbonne.


Civil war ends.

Civil war ends – his friends managed to find him, and finally fled in the ship “Cuba”, when the Second World War started, Trujillo, who had recently ordered the massacre of thirty thousand Haitians allowed the entry of these Spanish migrants to Dominican territory.


Santo Domingo

Arrival of Gausachs to Santo Domingo.


First Exhibition in D. R.

His first documented participation in an exhibition, held in the residence of the naval attaché from the Embassy of the United States in the Dominican Republic,


Professor academy of fine arts.

Jose Gausachs was appointed professor at the Dominican Republic academy of fine arts.


First Biennial of Plastic Arts.

Participated in the First Biennial of Plastic Arts Exhibition held in the country.


Exhibition of self-portraits.

Biennial Exhibition of Plastic Arts, exhibition of self-portraits, genre Gausachs frequently cultivated, his work was selected for the inauguration of the National Gallery of Fine Arts with extraordinary results.


Exposition, Spanish Refugee Committee.

Participated in an exhibition organized by the Spanish Refugee Committee to Commemorate the Centennial of the Dominican Republic, which was directed by the eminent criminal penalist Constancio Bernaldo de Quiros.

January 30, 1944

Solo exhibition in Santo Domingo.

His first solo exhibition in Santo Domingo, where press reviews from both Dominican newspapers and the Spanish exiles news, drew attention towards the large number of people visiting the exhibition. This exhibition, mainly landscapes, shows the discovery of “another sea”, Caribbean


Venezuela, Caracas.

Gausachs travels to Venezuela, Caracas. where he lived for some time, he exhibited at the Museum of the Caobos and was widely celebrated by critics as the Spanish representative of Impressionism.

January 13, 1946

Director D. R. School of Fine Art.

Jose Gausachs was appointed sub director of the Dominican Republic School of Fine Art.


Sixth Biennial of Plastic Arts.

Participated with a work out of competition, which nevertheless was awarded, at the Sixth Biennial of Plastic Arts of the Dominican Republic. He declined public and kindly the honor, saying that for some time had the tradition of participating in the Biennials ¨out of competition “.


Exhibition, Dominican American Cultural Institute.

Exhibition at the Dominican American Cultural Institute where he presented, among other things, his first studies on the black art, possibly the first artist to conduct such study in the Dominican Republic.


Exhibition, Alliance Francaise.

Presented a retrospective, at the Alliance Francaise.


Exhibition, Ateneo de Caracas.

Gausachs was included in a major international exhibition organized by the Ateneo de Caracas, where he represented the Dominican Republic with his closest disciple. Gilberto Hernandez Ortega and Jaime Colson.


Last exchange with all his students.

Meeting in the school of fine arts for an exchange with all his students. (Newspaper El Caribe).



Death Santo Domingo.


Retrospective, Exhibition in Barcelona.

Retrospective dedicated posthumously Art Gallery Syra, Barcelona.

Governing Laws


Chapter I

Name, stamp, address, Objectives and Duration

Section 1. Denomination. – The nonprofit society is called “Gausachs FOUNDATION, INC.”, governed by current law 520 of July 26, 1920 (GO # 3139 dated August 4, 1920) or any other laws, regulations or provisions that in the future could be issued on the matter.

Article 2. SEAL.- will have a circular seal with the inscription: “Gausachs FOUNDATION, INC.” (above), Santo Domingo, National District (center) and Dominican Republic (below). This stamp will be applied in all documentation issued by the company and other documents that the law, these statutes or practice so require, according to their managers.

Article 3 Address. – “Gausachs FOUNDATION, INC.”, will be domiciled in the city of Santo Domingo, National District, capital of the Dominican Republic, in the place that has the Directing Council or the General Assembly and may be transferred or create other offices in any other places or cities in the country or abroad.

Article 4 . -Objectives. – Gausachs FOUNDATION, INC., was established with the objectives of:

Increasing knowledge of the works of painter José Gausachs; Locate, collect, preserve and restore the works of painter José Gausachs; study the works of the painter José Gausachs, Expose and Promote the general public all the works of painter José Gausachs for them are known; Promote projects aimed to be known more about the life and work of the painter José Gausachs, including their techniques and modes of painting ;; Provide guidance to all persons or institutions involved or promote Dominican art in its general. Promote art in all its forms and genres; Conduct educational and cultural activities to promote art, including lectures, courses, workshops, seminars, etc., contribute to poor people with skills in painting can develop these skills through studies in recognized institutions, financed by the Foundation; fundraising and accept contributions in money, movable and immovable property, and other services for the above objectives;

PARAGRAPH I: The above objectives are not limited to the activities of the entity. On the contrary, the Foundation may exercise the powers agreed by the Statutes other tasks designed to meet any need for own purposes for which it was created.

PARAGRAPH II: The Foundation may implement their projects, either on its own administration or in conjunction with other private or public, domestic or foreign entities.

DURATION. – Article 5. The duration of Gausachs, FOUNDATION INC ., is indefinite and can only be dissolved by decision of the Extraordinary General Assembly of Members, by the affirmative vote of not less than seventy-five (75%) its founders and active members.



Article 6. The members of the institution, all Dominicans and foreigners who are integrated into the same meeting the conditions set out in these Statutes. In addition to the founding members may be members of the “Gausachs FOUNDATION, INC.” , individuals or institutions, besides their moral, intellectual excellence or quality, are invited or requested belong to the institution and approved by the resulting income Board and pay the corresponding fee income.

Article 7. Members four categories are established:

Active Founders Collaborators Honorariums founding members: Those persons signing of the Constitutive Act and the Statute of the ” FOUNDATION Gausachs, INC, linked to its origin, creation and start. “. ACTIVE MEMBERS: Those persons, natural or juridical, after formally constituted the institution be invited or apply for admission in that capacity and to maintain a continuing interest in their work and development, attending events and collaborating in their operation. MEMBERS PARTNERS: Those persons, natural or legal, permanent or occasionally collaborating with the work of the institution. HONORARY MEMBERS: Those persons, natural or legal persons to whom the Assembly gives them this capacity for having provided useful services and / or disinterested to “Gausachs FOUNDATION, INC.” , in recognition of works of social altruism .

PARAGRAPH: They may be members of the Foundation natural or legal persons who request it and are approved by the Board, taking into consideration their interest in promoting the development of Dominican art, especially the works of painter José Gausachs.



Article 8. The founders and active members have the following rights:

Faculty voice and vote in the Assemblies of Members; elect and be elected to any office of management; attend all activities organized by the Gausachs, INC FOUNDATION;. Require all members compliance with internal rules and principles governing the life of the institution.

Article 9. The founders and active members have the following duties:

Regular attendance and activities of the institution, assume responsibility for the tasks they may assign; Providing create many ideas and initiatives important to the development and progress of the Gausachs, Inc. Foundation, ensure compliance and responsibilities they they have been assigned by both the Assembly and by the Board.

Article 10 All Members of the Foundation, without exception, will cease to belong to it by:

Resignation, absence or incapacity, death, default on its obligations and duties; Engaging odds with public and private morality.


Governing bodies, assemblies, QUORUM, MINUTES.

Article 12. There shall be Ordinary and Extraordinary General Assembly regardless of the constituent. General Meetings shall be constituted by the meeting of the registration of the Founders and active members or their representatives, in the number and with the formalities required by these Bylaws. When duly constituted shall represent the universality of its members must be present at its deliberations half plus one of the Members existing at the time of the Assembly. If such quorum shall fail the Assembly will be held one hour after the presence of 40% of Members.

Article 13. Unless special provisions of this Statute or the law, any decision of the General Ordinary or Extraordinary Meetings shall be endorsed by the affirmative vote of at least a simple majority of the registration of the founding members and assets or their representatives present at the meeting.

Article 14. The deliberations and agreements of the Assemblies, of this Constitution and the law obliges all members, even those who are absent, incapable or dissenting. Such agreements shall be conclusive against them and there will be no appeal.

Article 15. Each Member Founder and Active entitled to attend and vote at any general meeting, either personally or by proxy provided simple written proxy.

Article 16 The General Assembly shall be chaired by the President. Ed for missing or unable, by the Vice President and in his absence and the latter absence, incapacity or disqualification, the Chairman or his substitute appointed as a present Member Secretary Ad-Hoc.

Article 17. Before the start of work of the General Assembly, the Secretary shall make a list containing the names and addresses of the members present. Such list shall sign all present.

Article 18. Minutes of the meetings of the General Assembly is drawn. They are written to machine and they will form a book. They shall be signed by all those present, to do so, the Secretary shall indicate the causes. The lack of some firms is not a cause of nullity, provided that those bearing the members making up the majority required for the unresolved issues. Copies of the minutes are issued, they will attest to their accuracy as they are approved by the President and certified by the Secretary with the seal stamped Foundation.



Article 19. The Constitutive General Assembly should be constituted with the presence of the founding members, in person or by regular representation. It belongs:

Approve the statutes of the institution and perform the necessary legal procedures to get your incorporation by Executive Order; Choose two (2) years, the first members of the Governing Council, to elect for one year the first Commissioner, recommend to the Board policies or standards to be implemented during the first year of activities.


Article 20. Annual General Meetings will be conducted as it considers the Board and shall be convened by its President.

Article 21. The Annual Ordinary General Assembly will be held, without notice, on 15 March each year at three in the afternoon (3:00 pm) at the address of the Foundation. If that day is a holiday, the meeting will take place the next business day. When force majeure can not meet the Assembly on designated days, it will be held at the earliest date, on the invitation of the President. The powers of this Assembly:

Choose every two (2) years Member of the Board, elect annually Commissioner; recommend to the Board policies or standards to be implemented during the first year of operations; know the annual report of the activities of the Board, including the financial report. annual programs and projects in perspective; Meet other matters within its competence; Designating the Advisory Council.


Article 22 shall have power to convene the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders:

The President, two members of the Board; Commissioner for handling administrative matters or economic interest.

Article 23. The call will be made ​​five (5) days before the date in writing or by circular signed by the member, where time, date, place and agenda indicated. In urgent cases, members may be called by telephone, telegraph or personally. The Assembly will be held in the premises of the Foundation or any other place at the appointed time. You will not need a call, if 75% of the Members are present and accept into consideration of the matters to be discussed or if the previous Assembly has left previously summoned to the next.

Article 24. The powers of the Extraordinary General Assembly:

Substitute Member of the Board and the Commissioner that the judgment and for any reason must be relieved before the expiration of the term for which they were named. Provide the vacancies that occur in the Executive Council or Commissioner. The new Member shall hold office for the time remaining to run until the expiration of his predecessor. Any deletion, substitution, modification or alteration in the social governing laws. Sale, exchange, constitute mortgages, guarantees or in any way dispose of the goods Property of the Company and the governing laws. Modify governing laws on other matters not expressly provided.

PARAGRAPH I: The Extraordinary General Meeting may decide the dissolution and liquidation of the Foundation with the affirmative vote of not less than 75% (seventy-five percent) of the Members existing at the time the decision to intervene.

PARAGRAPH II: In any case, the Extraordinary General Assembly may exercise the powers of the General Assembly.



Article 25. The Board of Directors shall consist of not less than five (5) members. The first Board of Directors shall be appointed by the Constituent General Assembly; and later successive Governing Council are appointed by the Annual Ordinary General Meeting to be, to be appointed from among themselves a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and as it may desire Members to complete the number of members established in this article.

These members have the same designation in the institution. Its functions will last two (2) years if for any reason has not been able to constitute the General Assembly should provide his appointment, or if he has been unable to deliver the cargo to the new Members.

Article 26. The Board of Directors held all the meetings that the President or the person acting considers necessary for its development and operability but at least hold a monthly meeting. Two (2) Members of the Board may request the President to hold the meeting.

The meetings of the Executive Council shall not be made with less than three (03) members present when the Council is composed of five (05) members; and less than five (05) members where it is composed of seven (7) to nine (9) to thirteen (13) members. Its decisions shall always be approved by a majority of the Members present. In case of a tie vote will be decisive President or his substitute.

Article 27. The resolutions of the Board shall be identified by machine processes verbal written and signed by the respective Members. A book of these Resolutions and assistance form. The copies or extracts from such verbal processes will attest to their accuracy with the President’s approval and certification of the Secretary, together with the stamp of the institution.

Article 28. The Board of Directors will among others, the following functions:

Manage and administer the institution during the period in which the General Assembly are not deliberating. In this period you can resolve any issue and any action it deems appropriate to it. Only he is forbidden to usurp functions of the General Assemblies of Members; Establish internal regulations; Buy or in any way acquire property, enter into all contracts that are necessary to the smooth running of the institution; execute and enforce all decisions General Assemblies of Members and decide the change of registered office, hear and rule on cases of expulsion of members by application of the present statutes; fix the general administrative expenses and regular supplies, delegate the powers of which is invested in one or several of its members, one or more individuals; Provide officials with authority, with the President or the person acting for writing checks against the accounts of the Foundation, valid for the president’s signature or that this available; Integrate Teams or Working Groups and Research Volunteers as may be necessary to achieve the goals of intellectual work and outreach of the institution; Establish departments necessary to achieve the objectives, and may eventually be coordinated by an executive director hired by the Foundation Any matters especially attributed to the General Assembly, appoint such committees as it deems necessary to assist the Board in its various activities.




Article 29. The President shall have the following powers:

Chair General Assemblies and meetings of the Board; Act in behalf of the institution or in all social, official, judicial or administrative actions; grant agreements or location of works subcontracts; Signing behalf of the institution all documents indicate hereof, the collegiate bodies or the law; celebrate or subscribe for all contracts other than faculty of the Board; Keep on deposit in one or more banking institutions in the Dominican Republic or foreign funds of the Foundation and issue valid with his signature or his designee those checks, safeguard and manage, as prescribed by the Board, all the goods institution perceive credits and pay the debts and provide assurances as may be necessary in its sole signature; appoint professionals needed regular employees or the institution, initiate, continue or answer actions, claims and legal proceedings of any kind; Comply and execute any mandate or agreement of the General Assemblies of Members and of the Board or any other function assigned to it by these statutes or the law; appoint an Executive Director and establish their duties and remuneration, when deemed appropriate convene the General Assembly and the Board of Directors, who put questions to try, authorize and perform all purchases or real estate sales and order transfers, redemptions, transfers of income or other securities belonging to the assets of the institution; Giving or receiving rent or lease real or personal property irrespective of their nature, duration or importance, with power to amend, rescind or propagate;


Article 30. The First Vice President shall have the following powers:

Replace the President in all his duties in case of impediment, absence, disqualification or any other cause Integrate the Board; execute and fulfill the resolutions of the General Assemblies of Members and the Board.


Article 31. The Treasurer shall have the following powers:

Ensure the protection and care of the documents and economic goods; Ensure that funds deposited in a bank or foreign national reputation, ensure the health of the financial statement of the Foundation fulfill any management responsibilities that the Board .


Article 32. The functions of the Secretary:

Keep the books of the institution and keep them in good condition, keep the books of the foundation and condition; keeping the minutes of General Assemblies of Members and the Board, which will form books, issue certified copies of the agreements of the General Assembly and the directors council. Prepare all reports and certifications that are consistent with these bylaws or the laws of the country; Keep custody the seal of the institution and set it in documents that require it; Signing behalf Foundation documents indicate hereof, the collegiate bodies or the Act; maintain a record book with the names of the Members of the Institution; Having bring proper accounting records to record revenue – expenses of the institution; Run fulfill the agreements of the Assemblies, Board of Directors, President and CEO.


Article 33. The functions of the members shall be determined by resolutions of the Board


Article 34 The institution shall have a Commissioner to be initially appointed by the Constituent Assembly and later by the General Assembly, an annual effect, re-elected one or more times and is responsible for the following functions:

Ensure proper operating and administrative management of the institution and submit an annual report to the Ordinary Assembly, related to the economic activities of the institution.


Article 35 The economic assets of the institution will be obtained from:

The resources to be received for the performance of activities with the aim of its creation as an issue and / or sale of books, publications, services, events, courses, bonds, raffles, among others; The regular and special contributions provided by Members or sympathizers Institution, donations or contributions that may be received from individuals and national and foreign institutions, real or personal property acquired by way of purchase, exchange, donation, etc.; Any other property, tangible or intangible that by lawful means MIGHT receive ;


Article 36 The General Assembly shall appoint an Advisory Council, composed of Honorary Members or others as determined for all time be required to participate in various meetings and activities conducted by the Foundation, with the aim of supporting and advice to projects and programs it promotes.

Financial year

Article 37. The fiscal year of the Foundation will begin on January 1 and will be cut as of December 31 of each year and balance sheets, financial statements and reports to be submitted by the Board to the Annual Meeting of Members and Memory the Commissioner shall refer to that period.

Article 38. After each exercise will practice balance and financial statements showing the financial condition of certiorari be prepared. These financial statements to be finished within a month of closure of each financial year and shall be submitted by the Board immediately to a certified public accountant for later consideration by the General Assembly at its annual ordinary session.


Article 39. The Extraordinary General Assembly may decide the dissolution and liquidation of the Foundation, with the affirmative vote of members representing at least 75% (seventy five percent) of the registration of the founding members and existing assets when to take such a decision. The Assembly regulate the mode of carrying out the liquidation and appoint whom you have to practice, ceasing with this appointment the Board.

If the Assembly does not regulate the liquidation and liquidators are appointed by the President plunge full such functions and proceed according to the law. Such dissolution and liquidation shall be governed by the provisions of Article 12 of Law 520 (Mod. In the Act 666 of 1982).

PARAGRAPH I: The property forming part of the Foundation at the time of dissolution and liquidation of the same, will be donated to the following institutions listed below in the following proportions:

Cultural Center of Spain 25% (twenty-five percent) Museum of Modern Art 25% (twenty-five percent) National School of Fine Arts 50% (fifty percent)

Article 40. The membership certificates are issued and delivered within no more than sixty (60) days from the contributions made ​​to the Foundation

Article 41. The Foundation will have a log book in which the names are recorded, profession and address of the members as well as the loss of membership; a Record Book that all movable and immovable property belonging to the Foundation shall be recorded.

DONE AND SIGNED in seven (7) copies of the same tenor, in the city of Santo Domingo, National District, capital of the Dominican Republic, today in March 2005.

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